

Bad Professor Experiences

Shoulda Dropped Out: Infuriating College Professors

A good professor can change a student's life forever—unfortunately, so can a horrible one, but for all the wrong reasons...
July 23, 2024 J. Hunter
Mean Teacher Experience

These Furious Students Taught Their Awful Teachers A Lesson

To anyone who ever wanted to tell off their evil teacher or get revenge on a terrible "educator"—now is the time to live vicariously.
June 25, 2024 Miles Brucker
Teachers Karma

Lesson Learned: Teachers Share Satisfying Moments Of Karmic Justice

Every single class has at least one total jerk—but these teachers got to see karma absolutely destroy their worst students.
June 25, 2024 J. Hunter

When Teachers Get Revenge On Their Students

Not only are teachers overworked and underpaid, but when they have to deal with that one troublesome student, their days at work become a living nightmare.
March 28, 2024 Eul Basa
Show And Tell

Times "Show And Tell" Went Horribly Wrong

Kids have always been adorable, heartwarming...and totally weird. And what's the best way for a kid to show off their weirdness? Show and tell of course!
March 15, 2024 Taylor Medeiros

5 College Life Hacks Every Student Should Know

College is not all fun and games. To help you overcome the challenges you'll face, you should learn these tried-and-true college life hacks.
July 4, 2023 Eul Basa
high school students

Students Reveal The Things Popular Kids Did To Go From Cool To Outcast

Being popular is like being a celebrity: Everyone is watching your every move, and if you make a mistake, you fall hard—especially if you're a total jerk.
June 27, 2023 Casey Fletcher

Students Share When The Popular Kid's Life Fell Apart Completely

The popular kids are the envy of everyone at school. However, all it takes is one moment for all of the good things in their lives to go away.
June 27, 2023 Molly Seif
Layer 3

Teachers Share The Best, True Reason Students Had For Being Late

When students are late, they have some colorful reasons for their tardiness. But sometimes, those silly little excuses are actually the truth.
June 27, 2023 Maria Cruz

Students And Teachers Share Their Wildest Experiences At School

School can be a truly strange place. With raging hormones abound, emotions run high... and inevitably, things get a little tense.
June 21, 2023 Samuel Ira

Students Share The Biggest Scandal At Their School

Many of life's biggest scandals happen at school. By nature, the school environment is just a perfect birthing ground for controversies.
June 20, 2023 Melissa Budish

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