

Guilty People Reveal The Secret They've Been Hiding From Their Family

You've likely kept secrets from your family before. You'd expect them to support you no matter what, but some family members just cause you to shut down.
November 8, 2023 Casey Fletcher
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People Share A Terrible Thing That Happened To Them Or Someone They Know

Even if something creepy never happened to you, it probably happened to someone you know. Some of these stories are outlandish, but they’re worth sharing.
November 6, 2023 Maria Cruz

People Share The Strange Childhood Experiences That Deeply Affected Them

Once we get older, we begin to realize that the confusing experiences we had in our childhoods were actually far from normal.
October 26, 2023 Molly Seif
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People Share What Made Them Ghost A Friend

From mistreating pets to making the rest of the group uncomfortable, these are the reasons someone ghosted with their so-called friends. 
October 20, 2023 Maria Cruz

People Share What Made Them Lose Interest In Their Crush

If you're lucky, your crush ends up being exactly as you think they are: kind, smart, and funny. Other times, they end up being the exact opposite.
October 16, 2023 Andie Wood
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Girls Share The Creepiest Thing A Man Has Ever Said To Them

A creepy innuendo. A sleazy remark to an innocent cashier. These and other instances are just some of the instances that these women remember to this day.
September 14, 2023 Maria Cruz

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