September 22, 2023 | Miles Brucker

Bachelor Parties Gone Horribly Wrong

There’s nothing as exciting as a wedding—except maybe the night before a wedding! For more than a few grooms-to-be, the bachelor party is a grand "last hurrah" before plunging into the quiet stability of married life. But sometimes these parties can get a little too grand. From taking things too far to inviting the wrong kinds of people, here are the internet's wildest true stories about bachelor parties that went seriously wrong.

1. How Does This Even Happen??

At one bachelor party I attended, the bride snuck in to see the groom after the party—and discovered the most horrifying sight imaginable. He was being breastfed by his mother. She was in her sixties and he was late twenties. It was the weirdest thing I had ever seen. The bride immediately called off the wedding and didn’t keep it a secret as to why. I, for one, was relieved, as I didn’t want to attend the wedding in the first place.

I honestly wish I was joking.

bachelor party

2. Two For The Price Of One

Las Vegas bachelorette party. The bride meets a guy at a club who is a groomsman at a competing bachelor party. They exchange numbers and hang out several times the rest of the weekend. She texts him a lot and the groom finds the text messages. He calls off the wedding and the girl ends up moving to Colorado and marries the guy she met in Vegas.

Bachelor Parties Gone WrongUnsplash

3. Mergers And Acquisitions

I was at a bachelor party where the bachelorette party was happening at the same time, in the same town. We had all gone on a road trip together and just split up into two different bars for the parties. Towards the end of the night, after all the drinking and peelers, the two groups merged in their intoxicated partying well past the closing times of any bar or club. "Disaster" doesn't even cover it.

I slept with the maid of honor while the two to be married had a wild screaming match about peelers and some guy who apparently talked to the bride-to-be. Allegedly, she had tried to invite him up to her hotel room. They did get married in the end, but the wedding drama was nuts and it’s now one of those marriages where you're wondering how long until it cracks.

They do not have a healthy relationship and now there are substances involved in their lives, too. I don't talk to either of them anymore. I’m still with the maid of honor, though. We bought a house last year. So that's cool!

Long-Term Divorce factsShutterstock

4. Kicking And Screaming

I am a very large man. 6'6", 325 pounds. I’ve been a corn-fed construction worker my whole life. When my best friend proposed to his girl, it was TIME TO PARTY. We rented a bus and hit Baltimore like a hurricane. Bars, clubs, the whole thing. We're at a club at like 1:30 in the morning. I'm chilling at a table, having had a few drinks, enjoying a cigar. I then decide that I need to take a leak.

So, I get up and walk my giant self down the hallway to the bathroom. I finish my business, wash up, and walk out the bathroom door. Here's where it goes sideways. Just as I step out of the doorway and turn into the hallway, a stripper was hustling by to get to the dressing room. But not just any kind of stripper. A little person stripper.

By complete accident, my thigh happens to catch her SQUARE IN THE CHEST. She goes completely airborne and hits the wall. I AM MORTIFIED. I start apologizing profusely and I try to help her get back on her feet. The bouncer comes running over, because all he sees is my big self putting my hands on one of the girls.

She was super chill about it. She tells the bouncer it's all good. I offered to buy her dinner. She accepted. Her name was Michelle, and she had a great sense of humor about the whole thing. I never saw her again after that night. My homeboys have never let me live it down.

Worst Ways They’ve Been Dumped FactsShutterstock

5. Slippery Slope

Bachelor party at a lake house. The house was right on the lake and had a dock that went right into the water. We were all drinking, having fun, and running around being stupid. We decided we’d jump into the lake. The groom's brother ended up slipping on the dock and fell headfirst into the railing on the side. This knocked him out and we all hurried up and ran to him.

He had a gash on his forehead. We put him in the car and rushed him to the nearest hospital, where he ended up getting stitches. At the end, he wasn’t mad that he had gotten injured. He was just mad that the party had ended early, because this meant that he didn’t get to see the peelers like he had hoped to. What a guy!

Horrible Bosses FactsShutterstock

6. His Lucky Day

My bachelor party was in Vegas. I had something like 20 friends from different groups (work, college, home town) come. We were there for four nights. First night, a bunch of us head over to the club. Me and my best man go back to the hotel at like 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. We grab a quick bite to eat, then head to bed. I wake up hungover at like 8:00 in the morning.

I go down to the casino to find a cup of coffee. Friend A sees me and goes, “Dude, you have to see this. Friend B is intoxicated out of his mind at a blackjack table. He's sitting at a corner seat and has over $3,000 of chips of all denominations in front of him. They aren't stacked nicely, they are in a massive pile taking up like a quarter of the table."

“I walk up and he grabs like $150 and puts it up to bet. He gets a 17, and hits. One other guy is playing at the table, and says to my friend, 'What are you doing???' Well, he gets a three and wins with 20. Friend B just looks at the other guy at the table and says screw you. Guy gets up and walks off.” I’m in shock trying to take this all in at once.

Friend A then says, “He's been doing this all night. He can't lose!” So I sit down at the table and watch this go on for like another hour. Friend B eventually gets up to go to the bathroom. He never comes back. We go to security to see if they know what happened to him. They said “Yeah, your friend passed out in the bathroom and we took him to his room.”

The casino wouldn't let us touch his chips. A third friend goes up to his room and brings him back down to the casino. We cash him out, and he goes back to bed. We didn't see him again for 36 hours. He slept from Friday morning until Saturday afternoon. He was then very pleasantly surprised to learn that he had won a bunch of money while completely out of his senses!

Bachelor Parties Gone WrongPixabay

7. When Things Go Terribly Wrong

I wasn’t present for this, but a friend of mine from high school disappeared out of the back door of a club in Atlantic City during his bachelor party. He didn’t notify anyone else in the group before leaving. They eventually found his deceased body in a random hotel room the next morning. It was not even one of the rooms that he had booked for the party.

The mystery of what the heck happened was never solved. His family knows the results of the autopsy, but the rest of the story remains unknown. Did he leave with a dancer? Did he overdose on some kind of substance? We have no idea.

Signs From The Universe FactsPikist

8. What Were You Thinking?

I didn’t witness it all go down, but was present for the “aftermath.” A friend of a friend was having a bachelor party. Myself and some other friends were at a regular old house party at the bride’s apartment. I was there because I was friends with her roommate. It was a tangled web of friendship, but ultimately I was only acquaintances with the bride and didn’t know the groom at all.

Nevertheless, my friend knew them both, which is how the groom met the bride in the first place. Suddenly, my friend who was at the bachelor party and all the other dudes showed up to the house party. Everyone except the groom himself. Some drama went on in another room and the bride and her roommate disappeared. Apparently, they had locked themselves in the bedroom (not what you’re thinking).

My friend tells me that apparently the groom thought the groomsmen would be cool with him trying to sleep with some random chick at the club they went to, but when they saw him with her hands in his pants, they literally just left him there and came to the house party. The best man (fiancé of the roommate who I was friends with) told the roommate, who told the bride. They broke up and she ended up marrying another friend of mine like six years later.

Elizabeth of Russia FactsShutterstock

9. Into The Woods

On the first night of what was supposed to be a crisp fall weekend of camping, cookouts, drinks, and whitewater canoeing, the groom's older brother and future brother-in-law got blackout intoxicated and started fighting. At first, it was just yelling and mindless trash talking, and the rest of us just blew it off. They had never really gotten along and we figured that, as with most intoxicated disputes between dudes, it would blow over.

But instead, it escalated until the brother-in-law drew a .45 caliber pistol from his backpack, pointed it at the groom's brother's face, demanded the keys to the equipment van, climbed in, locked the van behind him, and immediately passed out, still clutching the dangerous object. At first, we were relieved. Sure, we were upset and in disbelief at what had just happened, but at least the situation was resolved and nobody was hurt.

Soon, our relief turned to horror. We realized that our sleeping bags, warm clothing, personal belongings (including car keys), and most of the food were still inside the locked van, underneath the groom's intoxicated, unconscious, armed, idiot of a future brother-in-law. Nobody was really thinking straight, but we at least agreed that we didn't want to break into the van for fear of startling him and getting shot.

We were able to keep the fire going, but what followed was still one very long, cold, hungry night in the woods. In the morning, we discovered that the future brother-in-law had capped off his private festivities by vomiting in the back of the van, all over our backpacks and sleeping bags. He also left the light on all night long, draining the van's battery.

When the groom found out about all this, he was so angry that he simply bailed on us and went home prematurely. The rest of us sat around freezing our behinds off in the morning fog while the brother-in-law cleaned all our gear. Once he was finished, we jump started the van, abandoned our plans, and got the heck out of the woods as fast as we possibly could.

Bachelor Parties Gone Wrong FactsUnsplash

10. Reckless Driving

This happened to a family friend back in the 1970s or 80s. Back in the day, the bachelor party was the night before the wedding. Terrible idea, but that’s probably why we’ve mostly gone away from that. Anyway, the night before the wedding, the groomsmen decide to “abduct” the bride and bring her to a couple of local bars. All in good fun.

Well, they ended up getting into a terrible car accident. One of the groomsmen didn’t survive. The bride was in critical condition and nearly lost her life. The driver ended up doing time for driving while intoxicated.

Glitch In The Matrix FactsShutterstock

11. Spilling The Beans

I didn’t witness this, but got the account from my ex-husband who was there. The bride-to-be didn’t want the groom to have the usual bachelor party because she didn’t want peelers, and because he gets wild when drinking. For example, he peed on my dog when he came over for a “chill” night of drinks at my house once.

So instead of going to a bar, they rented a cabin in the middle of nowhere for the party so that they couldn’t get peelers. The groom’s underage brothers joined. The groom himself was around 30 years old. At the party, they got completely intoxicated and started calling places for peelers. Everywhere was like no, we are not sending peelers last minute to the middle of nowhere.

The groom then went on a questionable part of the internet and ordered two women of the night to come by and dance for them. Two clearly substance-using girls show up. Awkward dancing ensues. Then, the groom went upstairs with them and the younger brothers went outside. My ex went outside to check on them and found them standing on a hill next to the house watching their older brother sleeping with these ladies.

At the wedding, the intoxicated best man’s speech included an announcement to the bride’s conservative family that the groom had just lost his job and that the bride was three months pregnant. They had been hiding both of these facts. It was a disaster from start to finish. They are still married with two kids. Not sure if she ever found out about any of what happened at the bachelor party. I haven’t seen either of them since the wedding.

Entitled Parents FactsUnsplash

12. A Rough Part Of Town

I used to bartend at the local college club bar. You know the type. It was cheap and lousy and loud and dirty but pretended to be a classy establishment. All it really cared about was making all the money possible, so it would let in really questionable people. Nevertheless, it became the go-to bar for the riff-raff from one city over, because we would let them in and no one in their hometown would.

One week after I quit working there, a wedding party was in town and went out for drinks Friday night before the Saturday wedding. At the same time that this party is going on, the bar lets in a whole group of the gangsters, including a 20-year-old who is below the drinking age, with his face absolutely covered in tattoos. A fight breaks out when they start hitting on the bride.

The groom's brother intervenes and ends up with a sharp utensil in his neck. That was the doing of the 20-year-old with the face tats. He bled all over the bar kitchen while my friends who still worked there desperately tried to stop the bleeding with rags. From what I heard, they still had the wedding the next day because everything was paid for, but it was very somber. My friend quit on the spot after the ambulance had taken the guy away.

Bachelor Parties Gone Wrong FactsShutterstock

13. From One Kind Of Bar To Another

Years ago, I went to a bachelor party for a work colleague who I didn't actually know that well. But he was a nice guy and his best man (who I had met a time or two at the bars) said he didn't have a lot of friends to come and I wasn't doing anything that night, so I thought what the heck and went. I am American, but this was overseas in a place full of expats, so we were all of different nationalities.

Anyway, the intoxicated English best man picks a bar fight with a bunch of Irish guys who were in town on vacation or something. I nope out as soon as it starts because I am a huge coward and also don't want to end up spending my time abroad behind bars. Thanks to that, I missed the horror show that followed. The best I can piece together from what I heard is that a young male bar employee tried to get between them to break up the fight and got mildly beat up, but had some undiagnosed clotting disorder and ended up losing his life as a result.

Witnesses were inconsistent with reports of who actually hit the poor guy. Officers got there pretty fast, as this place is maybe 1,000 feet away from a local station. Everyone on both sides of the fight was placed into custody. I was in no way involved and haven't been in a fight since I was a teenager, but I was a regular in that bar and didn't want someone to misremember and think that I was involved.

So I returned to the United States as soon as I found out that the guy had passed. I'm no longer in contact with anyone in that country, but last I heard was a year after the event and all those guys were still behind bars.

Legal Disasters FactsPikrepo

14. Stunt Double

This one is not a bachelor party per se, but advice for not trying stupid wedding stunts. Both the bride and the groom at this wedding were from biker groups. They were both in their late thirties. On the day of the event, all these older bikers who had been drinking decided to do a big drive to the church, which of course turned into a bit of a race. Then it turned into a nightmare.

All of a sudden, in the middle of the stunt, the best man came flying off his bike and went straight into a wall. He didn’t make it out alive. This was just a few minutes away from the church, right before the ceremony was supposed to happen. I knew a few of the people at this wedding, so this story went around the area.

When I was in school, years earlier, I remember hearing about another wedding in the next county with more bikers, some of the same group, who had decided that they wanted to have the bride arrive at the wedding on a custom trike. Her dress got caught somehow and she was almost disemboweled on the side of the road.

Every time I hear about people trying to do something different or a stunt at a wedding, it just scares the heck out of me. Why take a risk on your big day? Keep it safe and simple!


15. I Bet You Didn’t See This One Coming!

I was at a bachelor party in Las Vegas. Nobody knew that the groom had a problem with gambling. First night we're there, we're all in the casino having drinks and playing cards. The groom gets up to "get a drink" and never comes back to the group. After hours of searching for him, we finally find him sitting on the bathroom floor of his hotel room crying his eyes out.

Apparently, he had just lost over $10,000 in a few hours playing blackjack. We were there for three more days and he pretty much didn't even leave his hotel room. He was terrified to go home and tell his fiancee that he had lost most of their savings. It was really unfortunate to see. What a terrible way to start a new phase of one’s life!

Bachelor Parties Gone Wrong FactsPxHere

16. Beth Case Scenario

I once hosted a bachelorette party that got very crazy. So one of my friends and ex-roommates from college was getting married. For the sake of the story, let’s call her “Beth.” We had drifted apart a little bit after college. No biggie, these things happen. So, as a result, I'm still in the wedding ceremony but I’m not the Maid of Honor.

Beth asks if I will do the bachelorette party because the Maid of Honor, Susan, was going through some stuff and her life was a little crazy at that time. I happily agree. I find a bar, call them up, and ask if it's cool to host there. I request a room because I'd like to bring in a male stripper. They say no problem and I pay a fee to reserve the room. Everything seemed like it would be nice and simple. If only I'd known what was coming...

As the party draws near, almost all of Beth's friends drop out from attending. We're literally down to just me, Beth, and Susan, which is pretty darn lame. So I mention to Beth that my sister-in-law and her cousin were in town that night and would love to see her. I asked if they could come. Since I was footing the bill for this whole thing, Beth didn't mind at all.

I also wrangled in another sister-in-law and a mutual friend. Just trying to get those numbers up! I realize that both my sister-in-law and cousin are underage. So I call the bar and see if that's a problem. They said it was fine. No worries. I feed everyone dinner. I made a cake, jello shots shaped like male parts, made up a bunch of games to do, all the typical things.

We get everyone in a car service and we get to the club. I realize once I get there that it's a 21 and up, but they never said squat to me. They check my ID and then just let everyone else in. Once there, I realize the VIP room that I reserved is just a section of floor with rope and some lame curtains at the corners. Totally open to the rest of the club.

And there are other parties also in the VIP "room" at the same time as us, including another bachelorette party. Not great. The stripper texts that he's here so I go to meet him at the door. I apologize and explain the situation. Dude's still game. Okay then. It was wild. The whole club is practically lined up at the ropes watching this dude go nuts on Beth.

The stripper says he'll pull any bills from wherever we hide them on Beth with his teeth. People descend on Beth and start stuffing bills everywhere—in her shirt, down her pants. Even people not in our group. I'm trying to push them back, but good golly! Beth's having a blast, so alrighty then. The stripper dude does a great job. He seriously put his all into his job.

Not my thing per se, but he shook his money maker to the best of his ability. The other bachelorette party asked to borrow him. Um no. When he's done, I walk the stripper dude out, thank him profusely, and give him a big tip for being such a good sport. He was like “your friends are fun.” As the night continues and everyone but me is drinking. That's when I found out the scandalous truth. Beth and Susan have been sleeping together while their husband and fiances watched!

For the last year! I had zero idea. I can only imagine what my face looked like when all this was revealed. Then, I realize that while the strip show was happening, men have been buying shots for my underage family members. So I gotta go drag them away from those guys. And they are all hammered. Really hammered and I'm completely responsible for this nightmare.

It's been a long enough night at this point, so I grab everyone and let them know that it's time to go. My girls are stumbling around. One puked in a bush, another is crying and contemplating texting her ex, etc. So I spend the rest of the night being a nursemaid. The next day, I scheduled a horseback ride for Beth. Thankfully, she wasn't too hungover!

I asked her if the night was okay for her and she said it was the best night ever. Beth and her now-husband got married the next week. It was the weirdest wedding that I've ever been to in my entire life. And they are still together 20 years later! I have no idea if Beth's still sleeping with Susan. Better not to ask, I say!

Bachelor Parties Gone Wrong FactsShutterstock

17. Home Sweet Home

I stupidly offered to host a bachelor party for a friend at my house. Two peelers were hired. The best man became grabby with them and was acting like an intoxicated fool. I told him to stop and he slapped me, so we started to brawl. 90% of the people there knew him and didn't know me, so when the brawl broke out, everyone was defending him. You know, because "that's my bro!"

I ended up getting kicked out of my own house violently by the crowd, and they locked the door behind me. I went in through the basement and shut off the electricity. I then screamed for everyone to get out. It took about two hours and the authorities showing up to get everyone to finally leave. Let’s just say that when all was said and done, I didn't go to the wedding...

Bachelor Parties Gone Wrong FactsShutterstock

18. A Detour They All Regret Taking

I wasn’t there, but a mate of mine was Best Man for his best friend at this bachelor’s party that they called a “Bucks Party.” After much drinking, there was a race around the block, where the groom and a few others all took a shortcut through a couple of backyards. Apparently, as they jumped one of the fences, several of them plummeted into a pool that was under construction. When the dust settled, everyone just started screaming.

Tragically, the groom was fatally impaled on an exposed bar inside the pool. He didn’t live to attend his wedding. This was an event that changed everything for everyone who knew him and all his mates. After this terrible event, anyone in that social circle who had bachelor parties after this event were decidedly more low-key and uneventful.

My mate still gets really upset when it’s ever brought up in conversation or mentioned. This tragedy happened in the very early 1990s, when construction sites weren’t so regulated. Hence, the reinforced steel bars were out in the open in ways that pose a lot of serious risks. Thankfully, there are much stricter rules in place now and things have changed.

The guys were merely returning from a local pub crawl and had decided it would be a fun way to end the night with a foot race home. Knowing these blokes, any dissent would have been an instant disqualification and would have been laughed off.

Bachelor Parties Gone WrongShutterstock

19. A Familiar Face

I was at a bachelor party with a pair of peelers doing their show. We were 15 minutes in. The guys were all sitting around in a circle while the girls made their rounds and did individual lap dances. Anyway, one of the girls crawls across the floor and sticks her face in a guy's pants, going wild over his jeans. Then she looked up to make eye contact, and realized that the guy was her cousin…

She started crying and ran out of the room. She eventually agreed to come back after her cousin agreed to leave and not watch the rest of the show.

Hair-Raising Humiliation StoriesUnsplash

20. The Whole Truth

A friend of mine and her fiance decided to do a joint bachelor and bachelorette party, since they have a lot of shared mutual friends. She agreed to let it happen at a club, which I thought was odd since she is very socially conservative and even once voiced strong opposition to the film Magic Mike because it "objectified men."

I also think she only agreed with it to look "cool" to him and his friends, because they kept talking about how awesome it was that chill his wife-to-be was to go with them to a club. At the club, she was buying him and his friends dances and started drinking a lot more than she usually does. We could all tell that something was off about her that day. Still, we never expected how far off the deep end she'd go.

She has a lot of insecurities and anxiety and, at one point, her fiance makes a comment to a performer about her having "the best chest he's ever seen." This leads to my intoxicated friend climbing on stage and attempting to take her clothes off in front of the whole audience. By the time I got up and convinced a bouncer to get her down, she had made it down to just the bikini bottom.

I get her clothes back on and she is sobbing hysterically outside in between rounds of vomiting while I'm trying to console her. Her fiance and buddies stayed in the club because "she was ruining their vibe." They got married the next morning like nothing had ever happened, and celebrated their fifth very strained wedding anniversary three months ago…

Perfect Comebacks FactsPeakpx

21. That Escalated Quickly

At a friend’s bachelor party, the groom tried to sleep with me. When I refused and went home, he messaged me on Facebook and offered to move to my state to be with me. I had known him for a maximum of about five hours...

Cheaters ExposedShutterstock

22. One Small Step

This story took place at a friend’s bachelorette party. The bride was surprised with a dare that included climbing up a fire truck ladder. For some silly reason, she gave in to the peer pressure and attempted the dare. It did not go well. She slid down and broke both of her legs. She still kept the wedding date, but just had to endure the ceremony in a wheelchair.

Bachelor Parties Gone Wrong FactsShutterstock

23. Past Their Bedtime

I once tagged along with my cousin to a bachelor party in rural Nebraska. It was all pretty normal to begin with. We were on someone’s property having a big barbecue. There was a barn, drinks, yard games, and then “the girls” got there. These two obvious substance users and one of their boyfriends. Of course, everyone knows everyone there.

They throw down this dirty mattress and the two girls just start going at it while everyone stood around and watched. It was the most repulsive, least attractive thing I’ve ever seen.

Eating Sins FactsShutterstock

24. Every Breath You Take, She’ll Be Watching You

We got together for my friend's bachelor party. We all hated his wife-to-be, but he said he was happy. We had made it clear that we didn’t think she was good for him, so our consciences were clear. We still loved him. On the evening of the bachelor party, we're chilling casually at our friend’s house. We’re sitting around, joking, freestyling, and just being dumb.

We literally had nothing planned for the night other than drinking and hanging out. Suddenly, there was a huge bang on the door. My friend thought we got peelers and was upset. My other friend who organized it said he didn't know who it was. We open the door and it's his freaking wife-to-be with her friends. She was sure we had girls there and peelers.

Most of us were just watching TV. We got really annoyed at her and kicked her the heck out. She spent the rest of the night texting him. He chilled over in a corner while the rest of us watched TV. You'd never believe it, but they got divorced just a few years later.

Bachelor Parties Gone Wrong FactsShutterstock

25. Walk This Way

For my friend’s bachelor party, we did a cabin in a local park and everything went great. The first night, we all got super intoxicated. I set up a round of golf for a few of the guys, including the groom. It had been raining for a few days and let up perfectly for the round. We got out there and the course was super hilly. We were all too hungover from the night before to even drink on the course.

So we’re coming down a hill and I suddenly heard a loud bang behind me. I turned around and the groom's cart had flipped and landed on his ankle. Snapped his fibula. He had like two or three surgeries and it got seriously infected. Luckily, he’s fine now. But he was on a scooter for the wedding and did his first dance on a peg leg.

Hospital HorrorsShutterstock

26. Mixed Messages

A few years ago, I was stationed near Las Vegas. So, naturally, on long weekends we’d frequent the hotels and casinos. Well, this bridal party came up to the group of guys that I was there with and, after a couple drinks, they wanted to go to the hotel. The soon-to-be bride wanted a farewell with Friend B from my group. Well, the number two girl was not having it.

Things started small but escalated to a full-blown screaming match in the middle of the casino about how “you’re not going to do that to my brother,” etc. I have no idea if she got married in the end, but I know I got the heck out of that situation as fast as I possibly could.

Bachelor Parties Gone Wrong FactsShutterstock

27. A Bad Decision

A good friend of mine thought it would be fun to stick his head out of a party bus roof hatch on the highway en route to our other friend’s bachelor party. His head clipped an overpass and he lost his life instantly.

Bachelor Parties Gone Wrong FactsShutterstock

28. Be-fore And After

A friend of mine's mom got remarried to a much younger guy. We were 15 years old at the time, and the step-dad to be had just turned 21. For the bachelor party, they just had a night of drinking games and a BBQ. The groom got very intoxicated and eventually passed out. While he was out, his friends thought it would be funny to dye his hair down there bright orange.

Unfortunately for the groom, he was uncircumcised and some of that dye got into his skin. It got seriously infected. Instead of going to the doctor, he just tried to treat it himself. That did not go too well. The infection got much worse, and eventually became so bad that he ended up having to get circumcised just a few days before his wedding.

Hate People FactsShutterstock

29. Reality Show

A video emerged after the bachelorette party. The intoxicated bride was in a bathroom, throwing gang signs at the camera while some dude was having relations with her from behind. You hear him moan and she screams some very explicit comments just before the video ends. The groom was sent the video. The wedding still happened.


30. When What Happens In Vegas Doesn’t Stay In Vegas

I wasn’t there to witness this directly, but a good buddy of mine who I met later in life had his bachelor party in Las Vegas, as per usual. All the attendees were in a group chat. Some of the guys were being “less than faithful” to their significant others, and were bragging about it in the group chat. Welp, one dude left iMessage open on his iPad back at home, and his fiancee was reading everything that was happening in Vegas.

Long story short, when he got home, all his stuff was in the yard. His fiancée had also contacted another attending friend’s wife, and his stuff was also outside. Immediate break up for one couple, and divorce for the other. The bachelor (my friend) is a stand-up dude and kept his own behavior under control, so he’s married with two kids and is doing great.

Weddings Gone WildShutterstock

31. From Bad To Worse

This group of guys brought a bachelor to Nashville for top golf and bar hopping. It was a bad mix of two friend groups. One guy says it's a “sausage fest” and “boring,” even though considering that both friend groups didn’t like each other everyone was still having a good time. The bachelor was dumb and said to invite a bunch of women. He ended up cheating on his fiancée and then told her the day after the wedding.

And now they are divorced.

Bachelor Parties Gone Wrong FactsUnsplash

32. When Worlds Collide

I took a buddy out to the bar that a separate friend group of mine frequents. His plan was to have a few drinks at his place, but he seemed excited and decided to go out instead. He proceeded to get blasted and hit on every girl in sight. I told him to calm the heck down twice. He then grabbed a girl while I was in the bathroom and quickly left before he got his butt kicked.

I apologized profusely to everyone for bringing him around. He was normally a level-headed guy, but he just went off the deep end that night. The wedding the next day was awkward as heck. I was a groomsman and we dipped out early from the reception. I never talked to him again. His wife left him a year later. I still have an engraved mug with my name on it from the whole ordeal.

Marriages won't lastUnsplash

33. A Big Brawl

I went on a bachelor party trip to FloraBama. Think hillbillies and rednecks had a kid, and this is that kid’s town. We met up with another bachelor party that was there. Hung out, shared drinks, listened to music, etc. Pretty cool guys for being a bit younger than most of us, except that some of them brought their girlfriends. Okay, whatever...

For macho testosterone-filled reasons, our group kept discussing which group would win a fight, and who should fight who, etc. Never thinking it would actually happen. The last night, everyone was hanging out at the redneck bar and their groom was at the bar making out with two of his buddies' girlfriends. The buddies were the last to notice, so everyone was filming it and humiliating the two guys.

Screaming match ensues. Their party turns into two sides yelling at each other. A fight breaks out. The bouncers let it ride since it was 10 guys. Then, it went way too far, and the results were gruesome. The groom got his face bashed in. It was mangled to the point where there was absolutely no way he could get married in a week. Three other guys and one girl left in ambulances. She had her elbow snapped backward with an audible crunch, and it stayed that way for a long time.

One dude ended up in only his underwear with his cowboy boots on his hands like boxing gloves. This allowed him to cause a lot of damage to people's faces. Friendships were ruined, and a few people found themselves behind bars. Needless to say, we were still pretty sure we could have taken them in a fight.

Chilling momentsUnsplash

34. Someone’s Got An Axe To Grind

I worked at a few bars as an ax-throwing teacher. You see all types, but we get a ton of bachelor and bachelorette parties who swing through for the novelty. Here are some of the highlights of these parties that I have personally witnessed. One time, a bride found out that a bridesmaid had slept with the groom back in high school. I had to confiscate their axes.

Another time, two bridesmaids made out and the bride’s mother flipped the heck out. Had to confiscate the axes. Another time, I watched a best man take a sip from his ax and throw his drink. He was clearly out of it. The drink did not stick to the target and he was sad. Water was provided. Probably the one I felt the worst for was a groom who did not drink and was stuck putting up with his intoxicated friends. I paid for his sodas for the whole night.

They get even wilder. One groom got left behind after a disagreement about a club. He wouldn’t go due to being a decent human being. The staff came together with a few regulars and we threw him a party and bar hopped together after we closed. It was one of the most fun nights I’ve had in my life and he invited me to cookouts until I moved away.

One groom taught me how to body roll in exchange for me teaching him to throw axes. I did not ask him if he could body roll or how to do it. He just taught me completely unsolicited. Comes in surprisingly handy at parties. We had special axes at one bar that grooms and brides would get to throw. Massive fire axe. Cool as heck.

One groom wouldn’t throw it. He just wouldn’t. He just wanted to hold it. It was kinda funny and we put the blade cover on it and just let him use it like a tote. We couldn’t get it back from him until he passed out. I thought it was funny, but it mortified his friends. One bridesmaid almost hit the bride throwing when she wasn’t supposed to. I caught the ax at the cost of almost losing a finger.

That got me some major coolness points and a massive tip, but I did have to superglue my hand shut and go home early. Pretty sure the blood traumatized the bridesmaid. She definitely went into shock and my coworker had to calm her down. These are just a few of the many mishaps that I’ve witnessed over the years at various bachelor and bachelorette parties.

Bachelor Parties Gone Wrong FactsShutterstock

35. More Money, More Problems

It’s my buddy’s bachelor party. His college friends disappear. He’s intoxicated and wants to go to a club. I agree and go to supervise. Sometime later, he’s spirited away to a private room. My attempts to locate him are stymied by complicit staff and bouncers. Two or three hours later, he’s brought out after he barfed everywhere. I drag him back to the hotel and dump him in bed.

I leave shortly thereafter. It’s bad news and not my scene. He calls me the next day. The club racked up $15k in charges on his credit card and he has no recollection of anything that had happened. His fiancée calls me asking what happened. I just tell her I’m not sure and that she should talk to the dude. They’ve been happily married now for several years. Fatherhood has calmed him down a bit.

Toxic parentsShutterstock

36. Falling For Each Other

During weddings in Belgium, it’s a common custom that friends play a trick on the house of the newlyweds, like fill the house full of balloons or something like that. Here’s a short summary of my story with that custom. A good friend of the groom removed a cover covering a hole that led to the basement window near the front door of the house.

At night, they came home from the bachelor party, and neither the groom nor the bride had expected this. The bride stumbled into the hole and broke her neck. Hard to forgive such an incident and lifelong scar.

Bachelor Parties Gone Wrong FactsShutterstock

37. Take Two

I went to a friend's bachelor party at his house. It was for his second wedding, while still in his twenties. They hired a stripper. She did her strip show, and then she took my friend into his bedroom and disappeared for an hour during the party. Yeah, they got intimate. She came out of the room wearing his t-shirt. A couple of weeks later, he had the wedding.

I guess the bride found out about what had happened, because he got divorced a month later. Second divorce in his twenties for basically infidelity. Some people probably shouldn't get married.

Married People factsShutterstock

38. Dining And Diving

It was our first night at the Airbnb. After dinner, the groom-to-be dives headfirst into the pool and cracks his head open. Goes to the emergency room and gets 12 stitches in his skull. Fortunately, he’s okay and is able to be released after a few hours. He tells the bride-to-be the next morning and we’re all in hot water for the rest of the trip, thinking it can’t get much worse than this.

Abandoned Places FactsShutterstock

39. Work Hard, Pray Hard

This party didn’t go quite as wrong as some of these other ones, but more so just kinda sucked. We got together at the house of one of the groomsmen to pre-game and, not long into it, the homeowner and the groom decided they should take off to go pray. Not a euphemism, they were staunch Catholics and felt like going to a church. The rest of us hung out at the house and drank and played “Rock, Paper, Scissors” since we had nothing else to do.

I think we stayed around hoping that we would actually go party somewhere once the other two came back. Not the best night, but we made do.

Sir Walter Raleigh factsShutterstock

40. Bottles Up

I didn’t witness this directly, but I heard about it a few months later. This groom decided to have a bachelor party in Germany during Oktoberfest. The group flew out from California. From what I hear, it was mostly intoxicated partying. No peelers or shenanigans like that as far as I know. Except for one fatal mistake. Apparently, the groom threw a bottle when he was done with it, and it hit an officer of the law.

There are differing stories as to whether it was thrown toward the officer intentionally or just up in the air. Either way, he was charged with a pretty serious infraction for the incident. Apparently, they were extra tough on him, as they don't care much for foreign drinkers playing around in their country. The party left Germany with the groom behind bars. The best man stayed behind.

They played it off that they were just staying a bit longer. Weeks passed. Eventually, he came clean with the bride about where he was and why. Obviously, she was not happy. More weeks pass and he has to make excuses for a job interview with a major tech company as to why he is out of the country. More weeks pass and it becomes apparent that the wedding needs to be delayed, as he isn’t going to be out by the originally planned date.

Eventually, he is deported and the wedding actually goes forward. As far as I know, they are still married.

Reality hit rich kids factsPixabay

41. Just Horsing Around

So recently, I was at a bachelor party in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. It was kind of a fragmented group of people around a common friend, so there was a lot of splitting off and going different places. The last night before the wedding, one group comes back from a club. At this point, it's been like four nights at this resort. I'm done.

I'm sitting on the couch watching the new Tom Clancy and Michael B. Jordan movie when the party guests in the other room suddenly come bursting in and yelling "Horse bit the stripper!!" Apparently, "Horse" was their nickname for one of the guests. He had just gotten hammered, spent a fortune on lap dances, and at some point, decided it was a good idea to bite a stripper.

Obviously, they all got tossed from the venue. And then, just out of spite, Horse decided to call his credit card company and dispute the charges for the drinks.

Cardi BUnsplash

42. A Bad Time To Get Chewed Out

For my friend’s bachelor party, we took a trip on the Cherry Creek of the Upper Tuolumne River in California. The groom underinflated his boat and, when he hit the first big drop, it taco'd. He got launched forward, ate the spare paddle tied to the boat, and lost a significant portion of his front tooth. This was a week before the wedding. You can only imagine what those wedding photos looked like…

Marriages won't lastUnsplash

43. An Abrupt Ending

Not my story, but I heard about it. A groom was on his last hurrah and slept with a dancer at his bachelor party. He then got an STI and didn't know about it. Next thing he knows, his private area swelled up to the size of a grapefruit, leaving him unable to have children. His bride was looking forward to having kids, so she parted ways with him.

He pleaded his case to her, arguing that it was probably a temporary thing, but she didn’t buy it. And to make matters worse, his friend’s semi-famous cousin tweeted about the situation for the whole world to see and put the pieces together…

Dramatic Weddings FactsShutterstock

44. Big Screen Premiere

This seems more common than I realized it was at the time, but at my friend’s bachelor party I found out that the best man was cheating with the groom's wife to be. This best man had spent time with the woman, helping them all plan the wedding when “one thing led to another.” And then they apparently kept sleeping together behind the groom's back.

The groom found out about it after coming home early and seeing them both all over each other at the living room window. But the thing is, he was an evil genius—and a psychopath. He hid that he knew for months and didn’t say anything, but set up hidden cameras in his house to record what they were getting up to. The groom then convinced his fiancé to have her hen party at the same time as he was having his bachelor party.

I got to the party in the back room of a nightclub with my brother, who was also a friend of the groom’s. Once we walked in, we immediately felt some tension from a few people, but we put it down to party nerves and the several huge bouncers that were serving drinks and watching the door. The moment that the groom and best man walked in, the best man was about to make some pre-party speech when the groom just attacked him.

Then, several guests started joining in. It was like watching animals attack. The dude was destroyed. I've never seen such rage. The bouncers pulled everyone off the best man. Apparently, the groom had hired them to stop him and his friends from going too far. I only discovered these details weeks after. At the same time as this was happening, the groom’s sister was hosting the hen party at her house.

As soon as everyone arrived, the groom’s sister played the compilation tape of hidden camera footage. Apparently, the fiancée ran out of the house before the groom's sister could get her hands on her. I have no idea if the fiancé and best man stayed together. But to be fair, I’m not sure how much of them was left after this incident!

Angry man in suit pointing at the cameraCraig Adderley, Pexels

45. A Tale Of Two Cities

The groom was getting married at 1:30 in the afternoon on the day after his bachelor party. As expected, the groomsmen took him out for some heavy drinking the night before. We live in Chicago and that’s where the wedding was scheduled to take place. Yet the groom woke up the next morning in a hotel room to a 10:00 AM wake-up call, with a sincere wish that he enjoyed his stay at the Kansas City Holiday Inn.

The call was faked by a friend of ours, who thought it would be a hilarious prank to make him think he had ended up in a different city on the day of the wedding. The best man had prepared for the prank ahead of time by picking up phone books, stationary, those "local events and attractions" flyers, magazines, notepads, and a bunch of other items from a hotel in Kansas City.

He then substituted all those materials for the ones from the Chicago hotel that they dumped him at. Of course, he checked the desk, found the Kansas City phone book, and panic ensued.

Scariest Noise FactsShutterstock

46. Training Wheels

At one bachelor party I witnessed, the groom’s buddies took him out and got him completely intoxicated the night before the wedding. Then, they thought it would be funny to put him in a sleeping berth on a train. The poor guy woke up the next morning 10 hours away from where the ceremony was supposed to be taking place. The wedding never happened, and his buddies are not buddies anymore.

Unforgettable Strangers FactsUnsplash

47. A Straw Man Argument

At one bachelor party that I attended, things got very wild very fast. A friend of the groom’s was talking smack to random strangers at the bar, and eventually he picked on the wrong guy. So the groom intervened. A major fight ensued and the groom ended up getting his jaw broken in the process. He had to eat through a straw at his own wedding.

Bachelor Parties Gone WrongShutterstock

48. Calling Collect

I went to one of my cousin's buddy’s bachelor party. It was a fun pub crawl trying different drinks. He had a large suite rented for the night. We all sat around telling stories. He linked his phone to the TV. He was in the middle of showing us pics and vids from his last fishing trip when, all of a sudden, he gets a FaceTime call from his fiancée.

He answers it but the picture is pretty dark. You hear moaning. Then, suddenly, everything came into focus and we saw...everything. Four guys are going to town on her. Not sure if she called or accidentally hit her phone. But he freaks out, which I don’t blame him for. She made him promise no dancers. He is angrily screaming, but she isn’t responding. I don’t know if she was ignoring him or if her phone was muted.

He took a while to turn it off. We finally got him to shut it off. He demanded his keys. It was going down at his house. We all disperse. My cousin and the guy’s close friends went to his house. He started tossing her things out. They didn’t get married. I don’t know why she did it. No idea if it was a last night of freedom kind of thing or if she had planned it to get out of the wedding.

Bachelor Parties Gone Wrong FactsUnsplash

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