November 6, 2023 | Sammy Tran

10 Red Flags of Infidelity in Your Relationship

Navigating Troubled Waters: 10 Red Flags of Infidelity in Your Relationship

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Trust is the bedrock of any strong relationship, but when it starts to crack, the signs can be subtle or alarmingly clear. Infidelity is a distressing possibility, and it's essential to recognize the red flags before the emotional toll becomes overwhelming. 

With a sharp rise in online dating and social media use, cheating has morphed into forms that are not just physical but also emotional and digital.



Here are ten red flags that may hint at a partner's infidelity, supported by statistics and expert insights, followed by advice on how to confront these concerns.

Change in Technology Use

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A significant change in how your partner uses their phone or computer can be a tell-tale sign of cheating. An increase in privacy measures, like changing passwords and clearing histories, coupled with a study revealing that 45% of cheaters use their phones to communicate with an affair partner, highlights the digital footprints of infidelity.

Decreased Intimacy



If there's a sudden or gradual decrease in emotional and physical intimacy, take note. According to the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, over 20% of married men and 13% of married women have had extramarital affairs, which can often lead to a noticeable cooling off in your own bedroom dynamics.

Unexplained Expenses

A woman looking over receiptsKarolina Grabowska, Pexels


Unexplained receipts or bank statements reflecting unusual spending can be a financial breadcrumb trail to a cheating partner. 

Statistics show that cheaters often invest money in their new relationship – from dinners to gifts – with nearly 30% of adulterers reported spending more than $100 a month on their affair.

Constant Criticism

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When a partner becomes overly critical or seems to be picking fights more often, it might not just be about the relationship's dynamics. 

Psychological research indicates that some individuals project their guilt onto their partners, with around 34% of cheating individuals reporting increased irritability at home.

New Hobbies or Interests

Embarrassing datesUnsplash


A sudden, passionate investment in new hobbies or interests, especially without an invitation to join in, could be suspect. 

Relationship experts suggest that new activities can serve as a cover for meeting a new romantic interest, particularly if these hobbies include a lot of "alone time" or late hours.

Avoidance of Future Commitments

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If your partner hesitates or outright avoids making future plans, it could signal a wavering commitment. Surveys show that individuals considering infidelity often fear deeper ties, with around 40% hesitating to discuss long-term plans like holidays or major purchases.

Frequent Unavailability

Awful First Dates FactsShutterstock


When your partner is suddenly unreachable for hours with no reasonable explanation, alarm bells should ring. Infidelity studies have found that 29% of cheating partners fabricate excuses like sudden work obligations to buy time away from home.

Overemphasis on Privacy

Heartbreaking Relationship Issues factsShutterstock


A partner who becomes overly territorial about their space, whether it’s their room or their desk, might be hiding more than just personal quirks. 

Reports indicate that around 25% of adulterous individuals insist on more privacy as a way to shield their affairs from discovery.


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Changes in Appearance

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An uncharacteristically increased focus on appearance and fitness can be another indicator, especially if it seems to be for someone else’s benefit. 

Research on cheating behaviors notes that more than half of cheating individuals alter their appearance to some extent during an affair.


Unusual Friendships

Embarrassing momentShutterstock


Lastly, an unusual friendship that seems to edge closer than a typical platonic relationship can be a red flag. With emotional affairs on the rise, constituting about 35% of all infidelities, these friendships often serve as the gateway to deeper betrayals.

Final Thoughts

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Identifying these red flags is just the first step in addressing the painful possibility of infidelity. If multiple signs are consistently present, it's crucial to communicate openly and honestly with your partner or seek professional guidance.



Trust can be rebuilt, but it requires work, transparency, and a mutual commitment to the relationship's future.



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