

Baffled Cops Share The Dumbest Criminal They Have Ever Come Across

Criminality is a spectrum. Some criminals are absolute masterminds while others are... well, not so bright.
September 20, 2023 Melissa Budish

Baffled Cops Share The Dumbest Criminal They Have Ever Come Across

Criminality is a spectrum. Some criminals are absolute masterminds while others are... well, not so bright.
June 14, 2023 Melissa Budish

Police Officers Share The Dumbest Thing A Criminal Has Ever Done On Their Watch

Some criminals just don't think. Most people come up with crazy plans to get away with their misdeeds, while others are just not suited for a life of crime.
June 12, 2023 Molly Seif

People Share The Dumbest Thing They Would Do With 5 Billion Dollars

What would you do with $5 billion dollars? You could help solve a lot of problems with that kind of cash, but what happens when greed kicks in?
June 12, 2023 Molly Seif
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People Share The Dumbest Thing They Ever Spent Money On

Even as adults, we tend to spend money on ridiculous things. From stuffed animals to pointless items, these are the dumbest things people spent money on.
December 31, 2022 Maria Cruz

Employees Reveal The Dumb Customer Complaints They've Heard

Whether it's an employee error or just a simple misunderstanding, customer complaints can happen at any time but are always equally annoying.
November 18, 2020 Andie Wood

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